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Minor disorders                                                                                                                   Midwife Claire Parry

Pregnancy isn’t without its uncomfortable parts.

Many women at some time will suffer from what is known as a minor disorder at some point during their pregnancy. They are known as minor disorders because they are not dangerous, just unfortunately a normal part of pregnancy, although at the time you are suffering them they can be anything but minor!

Nausea and Vomiting

Many women will suffer from nausea and vomiting at some point during their pregnancy. It’s thought that the condition may be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, but the cause is not really known. If you suffer from this, you should find that it eases by

the 16th week of pregnancy, for many women before. It really can affect your daily life, making it difficult for you to carry out your every day routine.

You may find that it helps you to eat little and often through the day. Don’t over face yourself with big meals. Sip small amounts of water in between. Some people find it helpful to have a plain biscuit and water in the morning before getting out of bed.

A small percentage of women will go on to develop a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition will mean that you are referred to a doctor, as you may require intravenous fluids to replace the fluids you have lost. This condition will mean

that you cannot keep any food or water down. You could lose weight and become dehydrated, which is why you will need to be under a doctors care until the condition improves.


During the third trimester (28-42 weeks of pregnancy), you may find that you are suffering from cramps. These can be so bad that it

wakes you up in the night.

You may find it helpful to do some leg stretching exercises before you go to bed, and limit your intake of milk and processed foods.

If you do wake with cramp in the night, flex your foot in the opposite direction. For example, if you

have cramp in your calf, flex your foot towards the ceiling.


You may feel that your breasts are becoming tender and fuller. This is due to changes in hormone levels.

Fat is being laid down in preparation for breast feeding and your nipples may become larger and areola darker.

You may notice these changes very early on in pregnancy. It’s important during this time to wear a well fitting bra for support as you may find at times you feel uncomfortable.


Backache is another common disorder. It can occur at anytime during pregnancy


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